



Detailed data on all air raids conducted by the military coalition led by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates from March 2015 to April 2022.

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Ongoing data collection of all strikes in US-UK led Operation Poseidon Archer since it began in January 2024. Download latest dataset here. (updated monthly)


Ongoing data collection of all air raids in Israel's Operation Long Arm since the first Israeli air raids in July 2024. Download latest dataset here. (updated monthly)


You are free to reuse the data but we ask that you please cite the Yemen Data Project and link back to the dataset or our website.


The first data collection project by the Yemen Data Project focused on the aerial bombardments in Yemen from March 2015 to April 2022 and includes detailed data on all air raids conducted by the military coalition led by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, which also includes participation by Egypt, Morocco (until 2019), Jordan, Sudan, Kuwait, Qatar (until 2017) Bahrain and Senegal. The military coalition was backed by the United States and the United Kingdom, amongst other western nations, with the U.S. providing intelligence and logistical support and the UK supporting the coalition in every practical way short of engaging in combat. Both the U.S. and the UK have military personnel deployed at the Saudi command-and-control centre for coalition airstrikes.

To download the full database click here

The data is published in csv-format. Import it to Microsoft Office Excel, LibreOffice Calc or Google Spreadsheet to view it in a reader-friendly format

The datasets list the date of incident, geographical location, type of target, target category and sub-category, and, where known, time of day. Each incident indicates a stated number of air raids, which in turn may comprise multiple air strikes. It is not possible to generate an average number of air strikes per air raid as these vary greatly, from a couple of airstrikes up to several dozen per air-raid. YDP’s datasets record the unverified numbers of individual air strikes that constitute a recorded single air raid. For more explanation on air raids and air strikes please see our methodology.

Given the open source collection of the data, geolocation information of air raids is not available. However, location details are broken down from governorate to district and then area.

No Saudi coalition air raids have been recorded since the end of March 2022 when a ceasefire came into place. Although there was no renewal of the ceasefire when it expired in October 2002, no further air raids were recorded.


The first data collection project moved into a new phase in January 2024 when the US and UK launched strikes in Yemen with support from Australia, Canada, Bahrain and the Netherlands. By 24 February, Denmark and New Zealand were also providing support, all under the banner of Operation Poseidon Archer. A new database was established in January 2024 when US-led strikes began. During US-led Operation Poseidon Archer not all strikes have been air raids carried out by fighter jets and therefore strike is used as a catch-all to describe air raids as well as naval sea-to-land strikes. As with air raids, one strike incident includes all strikes on a single location within approximately one hour and therefore may comprise multiple munitions or projectiles being deployed. Munitions deployed per strike can vary.

The US-UK strikes data can be downloaded here

ISRAEL AIR RAIDS 2024 - to date

Yemen Data Project recorded the first strikes in Yemen by Israel on 20 July 2024. Israel Defense Forces announced Operation Long Arm was in response to months of Houthi attacks against Israel. Yemen Data Project recorded 92 civilian casualties in a single Israeli air raid on 20 July in Al-Hudaydah. The strike on an oil storage facility resulted in more civilian harm than than all US-UK strikes combined since they began in January. Further Israeli strikes followed in September 2024. Israel's air raids are in a separate downloadable spreadsheet.


The Yemen Data Project is a not-for-profit organization which produces data for the purpose of increasing transparency and promoting accountability. With that mission in mind, our data is freely available to use under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

You are therefore free to reuse the data but we ask that you please cite the Yemen Data Project and link back to the dataset or our website.